Hi Timo,
Here is a quick and dirty recursive function.
absi <- function(hc, level=length(hc$height), init=TRUE){
.count <<- 0
.topAbsis <<- NULL
.heights <<- NULL
if(level<0) {
.count <<- .count + 1
node <- hc$merge[level,]
le <- absi(hc, node[1], init=FALSE)
ri <- absi(hc, node[2], init=FALSE)
mid <- (le+ri)/2
.topAbsis <<- c(.topAbsis, mid)
.heights <<- c(.heights, hc$height[level])
R> mydata <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
R> hc <- hclust(dist(mydata), method="average")
R> absi(hc)
R> .topAbsis # those are x-coordinates
[1] 1.500 4.500 3.750 2.625
R> .heights # and y-coordinates
[1] 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.5
R> plot(hc)
R> points(.topAbsis, .heights, pch=21, bg=2, cex=5)
Is this close to what tou need ?
Le 02.11.2005 14:51, Timo Becker a ??crit :
>Dear R-users,
>I need some help concerning the plotting of dendrograms for hierarchical
>agglomerative clustering.
>The agglomeration niveau of each step should be displayed at the
>branches of the dendrogram.
>For this I need the x/y coordinates of the branch-agglomerations of the
>The y-values are known (the heights of the agglomeration), but how can I
>get the x-values?
> > mydata <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
> > hc <- hclust(dist(mydata), method="average")
> > hc$height # these are the y-coordinates
>[1] 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.5
>I experimented with the dendrogram object because it gives the midpoints:
> > dend <- as.dendrogram(hc)
> > attributes(dend[[1]])$midpoint
>[1] 0.5
>Perhaps I could loop over all possible branches and get the midpoints if
>I knew how to convert them to x-values.
>The manual says that midpoint is the "numeric horizontal distance of
>node from the left border (the leftmost leaf) of the
>branch (unit 1 between all leaves)."
>But how do I know which one is the leftmost leaf and what is its
>horizontal value?
>Thanks in advance,
>R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
>PLEASE do read the posting guide!
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