Hello, I have recently started to use moodle (a course management system) for my classes. It has turn out to be a very interesting tool. I woke up this morning wondering about the possibility of adding a module so that the students could use R without needing to install it, just using a server session into moodle. I know that there are already several on-going projects about R and the web, but, the question is : Is anybody already developing such a module for moodle? If the answer is no, I shall put it in my want-to-do list, although I can not promise any inmediate result due to may work overload. Thanks in advance for your patience and your good efforts! Best wishes, Manuel Castej??n Limas E-mail: manuel.castejon at unileon.es ??rea de Proyectos de Ingenier??a Departamento de Ingenier??a El??ctrica y Electr??nica Universidad de Le??n Spain PS: You may read more about moodle at http://moodle.org