Dear Group Members, Forgive me if I am a little bit out of subject. I am looking for a good way to test the homogeneity of two variance-covariance matrices using R, prior to a Hotelling T test. Youll probably tell me that it is better to use a robust version of T, but I have no precise idea of the statistical behaviour of my variables, because they are parameters from the harmonics of Fourier series used to describe the outlines of specimens. I rather like to explore precisely these harmonics parameters. It is known that Boxs M-test of homogeneity of variance-covariance matrices is oversensitive to heteroscedasticity and to deviation from multivariate normality and that it I not useful (Everitt, 2005 ; Seber, 1984 ; Layard, 1974). I have tried a quick and dirty intuitive comparison between two covariance matrices and I am seeking the opinion of professional statisticians about this stuff. The idea is to compare the two matrices using the absolute value of their difference, then to make a quadratic form using a unity vector and its transpose. One obtain a scalar that must be close to zero if the two covariance matrices are homogeneous : Let S1 and S2 be two variance-covariance matrices of dimension n, Let a be a vector of n ones : a <- rep(1, times = n) b = a * |S1 S2| * a, i.e. in R: b <- a %*% abs(S1 S2) %*% a Is b distributed following a chi-square distribution? Is this idea total crap? Did someone tried this before and published something? My data gave two 77 x 77 covariance matrices and b = 0.003243, a value close to 0, hence I expect my two covariance matrices are homogeneous. Am I right? If this comparison is incorrect, could someone suggest a useful way to make this comparison using R? Thank you in advance for your comments. Franck _______________________________ Dr Franck BAMEUL Le Clos d'Ornon 7 rue Frdric Mistral F-33140 VILLENAVE D'ORNON France fbameul at 06 89 88 16 73 (personnel) 05 57 19 57 20 (professionnel) 05 57 19 57 27 (fax)