Hi there,
I am using 2.0.1 . However, I was not having this problem with this version of R
when I first installed it and started using it.
Thanks for your suggestion, I tried it, but that doesn't work either:
> help.search("tps")
Error in rbind(...) : number of columns of matrices must match (see arg
8)> utils::help.search("tps")
Error in rbind(...) : number of columns of matrices must match (see arg
Traceback results below:
"Convert Sweave Syntax", "Sweave Driver Utilities",
"Find Objects by (Partial) Name",
"Browse Objects in Environment", "Load URL into a WWW
"Send a Bug Report", "Send output to a character string or
"Writing Package CITATION Files", "Citing R and R Packages
in Publications",
"Close a Socket", "Compare Two Package Version
"Data Sets", "Spreadsheet Interface for Entering
Data", "Post-Mortem Debugging",
"Demonstrations of R Functionality", "Download File from
the Internet",
"Invoke a Text Editor", "Edit Data Frames and
"Run an Examples Section from the Online Help", "Edit One
or More Files",
"Fix an Object", "Retrieve an R Object, Including from a
"Utility functions for Developing Namespaces", "Get An S3
"Return the First or Last Part of an Object",
"Search the Help System", "Hypertext Documentation",
"Search Indices for Help Files",
"Find Installed Packages", "List Objects and their
"Create a Socket Connection", "Menu Interaction
"List Methods for S3 Generic Functions or Classes",
"Report the Space Allocated for an Object",
"Create a skeleton for a new package", "Package
"Package Management Tools", "Invoke a Pager on an R
"Person Names and Contact Information", "Produce Prototype
of an R Documentation File",
"Generate a Shell for Documentation of Data Sets", "Read
fixed-format data",
"Read Fixed Width Format Files", "Read from or Write to a
"Browsing after an Error", "Remove Installed
Packages", "Load or Save or Display the Commands History",
"Collect Information About the Current R Session",
"Compactly Display the Structure of an Arbitrary R Object",
"Summarise Output of R Profiler", "Converting R Objects to
BibTeX or LaTeX",
"Download Packages from CRAN", "Display a text URL",
"Defunct Functions in Package utils",
"Deprecated Functions in Package utils", "View or List
"Batch Execution of R", "DLL Version Information",
"Install Add-on Packages from Sources",
"Remove Add-on Packages", "R for Windows
"Build a DLL for Dynamic Loading", "Choose a List of Files
"Read/Write Text to/from the Windows Clipboard", "Get a
Windows Handle",
"Update HTML documentation files", "Report on Memory
"Select Items from a List", "Set or get the Window
"Dialog Boxes under Windows", "User Menus under
"Auxiliary Functions for the Windows Port", "build",
"Rtangle", "RweaveLatex", "Sweave",
"SweaveSyntConv", "SweaveUtils",
"apropos", "browseEnv", "browseURL",
"bug.report", "capture.output",
"citEntry", "citation", "close.socket",
"data", "data.entry", "debugger",
"demo", "download.file",
"edit", "edit.data.frame", "example",
"file.edit", "fix",
"getAnywhere", "assignInNamespace",
"getS3method", "head",
"help", "help.search", "help.start",
"index.search", "installed.packages",
"ls.str", "make.socket", "menu",
"methods", "object.size",
"package.skeleton", "packageDescription",
"page", "person", "prompt",
"promptData", "read.fortran",
"read.fwf", "read.socket", "recover",
"loadhistory", "sessionInfo", "str",
"summaryRprof", "toLatex",
"update.packages", "url.show",
"utils-defunct", "utils-deprecated",
"vignette", "BATCH", "DLL.version",
"Rconsole", "SHLIB", "choose.files",
"readClipboard", "getWindowsHandle",
"link.html.help", "memory.size",
"select.list", "setWindowTitle",
"winDialog", "winMenuAdd",
2: do.call("rbind", dbMat[, 1])
1: utils::help.search("tps")>
Please follow the attached hyperlink to an important disclaimer
-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Bengtsson [mailto:hb at maths.lth.se]
Sent: 06 September 2005 15:29
To: Uzuner, Tolga
Cc: 'r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch'
Subject: Re: [R] help.search problem
What version of R and what operating system? What packages do you have
Try utils::help.search("tps"), does that work? Have you tried it in a
fresh R session, i.e. start with R --vanilla.
If you can't get it to work after this, report the above information
plus what you get from traceback() after you get the error.
Uzuner, Tolga wrote:> Dear Fellow R Users,
> I have recently come across a weird problem with help.search:
> Error in rbind(...) : number of columns of matrices must match (see arg 8)
> This happens no matter what I search for...
> Any thoughts ?
> Thanks,
> Tolga
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