Hello R-Masters, I have a list 's' with three elements, as shown below. I want to recode a.a, a.a2, and a.a3 to NA if the value in a.a is less than 3. I reivewed my Modern Applied Statistic Book, the online help and did some searching of R-help on the internet. I explored unlist and as.list.data.frame in an attempt to isolate the third element of the list s, but this was not helpful. Any help would be appreciated.> dim(s)[1] 342 3> names(s)[1] "scan" "time" "a"> sscan time a.a a.a2 a.a3 202 Plastic lids Plastic lids NaN NaN NaN 195 Plastic lids Cookware lids 44 31 58 205 Plastic lids Seasoning packets 9 4 20 191 Plastic lids Baking sheets 15 7 27 209 Plastic lids Utensils 9 4 20 194 Plastic lids Cell phones 0 0 7 193 Plastic lids Canned goods 0 0 7 197 Plastic lids Hand/dish towel 3 0 12 Thank you. Greg Blevins The Market Solutions Group Windows xp, 2.1.1 Gregory L. Blevins Vice President, Partner The Market Solutions Group, Inc. gblevins at marketsolutionsgroup.com Office phone: 612 392-3163 Cell phone: 612 251-0232 "What is at the beginning but a small error, swells to huge proportions at the close." Aristotle
Prof Brian Ripley
2005-Aug-25 06:28 UTC
[R] Attempting to recode elements contained in a list
On Wed, 24 Aug 2005, Greg Blevins wrote:> Hello R-Masters, > > I have a list 's' with three elements, as shown below. I want to recode > a.a, a.a2, and a.a3 to NA if the value in a.a is less than 3.I think s is a data frame, and you are looking at its printout. There is almost certainly no element a.a. Rather, the data frame has a column a, which is probably a matrix with three columns, a, a2 and a3. Use str(s) to be sure. Here is an attempt to create a similar object> s <- data.frame(scan=letters[1:3], time=LETTERS[1:3]) > s$a <- array(runif(9)*6, dim=c(3,3), dimnames=list(NULL, c("a", "a2","a3")))> sscan time a.a a.a2 a.a3 1 a A 5.435430 1.283933 1.546180 2 b B 5.169964 2.519836 1.568225 3 c C 3.844045 2.318089 0.772869 If that is the case, you need s$a[s$a[, "a"] < 3, ] <- NA> I reivewed my Modern Applied Statistic Book, the online help and did > some searching of R-help on the internet. I explored unlist and > as.list.data.frame in an attempt to isolate the third element of the > list s, but this was not helpful. Any help would be appreciated. > >> dim(s) > [1] 342 3 >> names(s) > [1] "scan" "time" "a" > >> s > scan time a.a a.a2 a.a3 > 202 Plastic lids Plastic lids NaN NaN NaN > 195 Plastic lids Cookware lids 44 31 58 > 205 Plastic lids Seasoning packets 9 4 20 > 191 Plastic lids Baking sheets 15 7 27 > 209 Plastic lids Utensils 9 4 20 > 194 Plastic lids Cell phones 0 0 7 > 193 Plastic lids Canned goods 0 0 7 > 197 Plastic lids Hand/dish towel 3 0 12 > > Thank you. > > Greg Blevins > The Market Solutions Group > > Windows xp, 2.1.1 > > Gregory L. Blevins > Vice President, Partner > The Market Solutions Group, Inc. > gblevins at marketsolutionsgroup.com > Office phone: 612 392-3163 > Cell phone: 612 251-0232 > "What is at the beginning but a small error, swells to huge proportions at the close." Aristotle > > ______________________________________________ > R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list > stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide! R-project.org/posting-guide.html >-- Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk Professor of Applied Statistics, stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self) 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA) Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595