Hi R geniouses, A friend and I are having trouble with a simple load() call in R. When we load data via a for loop such as: for (i in c(1980:1984)){load(paste("myfile",i ,".RData", sep=""))} for (i in c(1986:1994)){load(paste("myfile",i ,".RData", sep=""))} I get the following error in R: /usr/local/R-2.1.0/lib/R/bin/BATCH: line 55: 4366 Broken pipe ( echo "invisible(options(echo = TRUE))"; cat ${in}; echo "proc.time()" ) 4368 Segmentation fault | ${R_HOME}/bin/R ${opts} >${out} 2>&1 When I load the equivelant files sequentially with the for loop such as: load("myfile1980.RData") . . . load("myfile1994.RData") the code runs just fine. Can anyone see what would cause the for loop code above to cause a segfault error? Thanks, Cere -- Cere Davis ceremona at gmail.com ------------------- GPG Key: http://staff.washington.edu/cere/pubkey.asc GPG fingerprint (ID# 73FCA9E6) : F5C7 627B ECBE C735 117B 2278 9A95 4C88 73FC A9E6