Example: I have the following model
> model <- lmer(response ~ time * trt * bio + (time|id), data = dat)
where time = time of observation
trt = treatment group (0-no treatment / 1-treated)
bio = biological factor (0-absent / 1-present)
and I would like to obtain an estimate (with standard error) of the change
in response over time for individuals in the treatment group with the
biological factor. The estimate is easy,
> sum(fixef(model)[c(2,5,6,8)])
# ie time + time:trt + time:bio + time:trt:bio
but the standard error is a hassle to calculate by hand. Is there some
better way to do this? In SAS for example there is an `estimate' option (see
sample code below) that will calculate the estimate, SE, df, t statistic,
etc... Is there some R equivalent?
proc mixed data=dat;
class id;
model response = time + trt + bio + time*trt + time*bio + trt*bio +
random time;
estimate "est1" intercept 0 time 1 trt 0 bio 0 time*trt 1 time*bio 1
trt*bio 0 time*trt*bio 1; /* or something like that */
Randy Johnson
Laboratory of Genomic Diversity
Bldg 560, Rm 11-85
Frederick, MD 21702