I scanned the archives a bit and found discussion of a bug in order when na.last=NA, but nothing about when na.last=FALSE. Assign a (character) vector x as follows: x <- c("2005-08-12 12:38:35","2005-08-12 12:38:46",NA, "2005-08-12 12:38:27",NA) Then executing o <- order(x,na.last=FALSE) o x[o] gives [1] 4 3 5 1 2 and [1] "2005-08-12 12:38:27" NA NA [4] "2005-08-12 12:38:35" "2005-08-12 12:38:46" so that the NAs are neither first nor last. The result of order(), ``o'' should be 3 5 4 1 2. It seems to be the complicated strings which form the entries of x that are messing things up; y <- c("b","c",NA,"a",NA) y[order(y,na.last=FALSE)] gives [1] NA NA "a" "b" "c" is it ought. cheers, Rolf Turner rolf at math.unb.ca