>>>>> "Dan" == Dan Bebber <danbebber at
>>>>> on Thu, 21 Jul 2005 12:05:45 +0100 (BST) writes:
Dan> Hello,
Dan> I wrote a wrapper for symbols() that produces a
Dan> bivariate bubble plot, for use when plot(x,y) hides
Dan> multiple occurrences of the same x,y combination (e.g.
Dan> if x,y are integers).
Dan> Circle area ~ counts per bin, and circle size is
Dan> controlled by 'scale'.
I'm not answering your question, but still, I need to ask/tell
Why don't use sunflowerplot() instead?
The excellent researchers who invented sunflower plots in the
late 70s early 1980s knew well about "bubble" alternatives and
much about drawbacks of such bubbles
{mainly the perception laws of areas vs lengths ..}
That's why they came up with the sunflowers as improvement ..
See 'References' in help(sunflowerplot)
Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
Dan> Question: how can I automatically make the smallest
Dan> circle the same size as a standard plot character,
Dan> rather than having to approximate it using 'scale'?
Dan> #Function:
Dan> z<-table(x,y)
Dan> xx<-rep(as.numeric(rownames(z)),ncol(z))
Dan> yy<-sort(rep(as.numeric(colnames(z)),nrow(z)))
Dan> id<-which(z!=0)
Dan> #Example:
Dan> x<-rpois(100,3)
Dan> y<-x+rpois(100,2)
Dan> bubble.plot(x,y)
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