MailMarshal has quarantined the following message you sent: Message: B42d3485f0001.000000000001.0002.mml From: r-help at To: m.kirchberg at Subject: Good day With the proliferation of mass mailer type viruses, Massey University has had to implement a policy that quarantines emails with attachments that could be potential viruses, e.g. VBS, SCR and EXE. However, this message is eligible for Self-Service Message Release. If this attachment is genuine and you are certain that it does not contain any viruses, please simply reply to this message without editing it. The quarantined email will be automatically released to m.kirchberg at upon receipt of your reply, else it will be deleted after 14 days. Please note that your reply will be processed by the automated release system. If you have any queries or comments, please send them to Help.Desk at =======================================================================Message release code: MMRelCode ZYoJxwg/WQoP+jKD7y9MEPkkJa7kC4lbnw7+GjUyOmMbCbdfbt MkS6FoVQwZpNHhLosQRcgvZoUocQ+3XTWkjwMxfFQw0Ea0zz/z VtE7ZIuQXVj8ZKBR0Q4YvUEN2Qa/6Q5POCRmm/qTc6d+Wg=MMEndRelCode ========================================================================