simone gabbriellini wrote:> hello R-Users,
> I have this simple but not for me question:
> I do:
> > res<-dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM tabellaProva")
> > myDataFrame<-fetch(res)
> > myDataMatrix<-as.matrix(myDataFrame[,-1])
> > namerows(myDataMatrix)<-as.character(myDataFrame[,1])
> and I have:
> io tu
> io "0" "1"
> tu "1" "0"
> my problem is that the content of the matrix is interpreted by R as
> strings, not as numbers.
> Is there a way to convert those characters to numbers like
> io tu
> io 0 1
> tu 1 0
> thanx in advance,
> simone
Hi Simone,
If you use dbReadTable, as I mentioned in my previous email, you should
be able to coerce myDataFrame to a numeric matrix.
A couple of extra observations:
(1) If you really want to use fetch() to extract all the rows resulting
from a SELECT statement in a single fetch, you may need to specify
n=-1, e.g.,
> fetch(res, n = -1)
otherwise you may only get the first 500 rows. (See ?fetch, ?MySQL,
and ?dbHasCompleted.) The reason there is this default is to prevent
crashing R with a very large and unexpected amount of data. By specifying
n=-1 you're effectively asserting that the output of SELECT can be
properly handled by R.
(2) Tables in a relational database are only superficially similar to
data.frames (the SQL term "relation" for tables conveys semantics
that do not exist in R), thus fetch() and dbReadTable() do not
coerce their columns to factors. Clearly, there is a need to allow
users to specify their own converters, as other interfaces (e.g.,
RSPython, RSPerl), and functions (e.g., read.table) actually provide.
Hope this helps,