See help("cut") for general or help("cut.POSIXt") for time
related cut.
On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 13:08 -0500, Omar Lakkis wrote:> I am collecting one price for "market" daily.
> date1 price1
> date2 price2
> date3 price3
> I have a roll schedule where if
> date1 is between d1 and d2 then market is roll_id 0
> date1 is between d2 and d3 then market is roll_id 1
> date1 is between d3 and d4 then market is roll_id 2
> and so on for date2 and date3
> is there a function in anywhere or in a time series package that I can
> use or should I loop through my price data and figure out the roll_id
> based on teh roll schedule and price date?
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