Will the following work for you?
Cheers, Pierre
> junk <- list()
> for(i in 1:5) junk[[paste("Item",i,sep="")]] <-
> str(junk)
List of 5
$ Item1: num [1:4] 0.687 0.508 0.734 0.704
$ Item2: num [1:4] 0.5497 0.1777 0.4081 0.0129
$ Item3: num [1:4] 0.768 0.808 0.592 0.697
$ Item4: num [1:4] 0.650 0.966 0.265 0.461
$ Item5: num [1:4] 0.9067 0.3396 0.0412 0.3956
Michael Wolosin wrote:> All -
> Each time through a loop I create a new dataset, which I would like to
> append to a list object. Each item of the list should be the data
> matrix created in that step of the loop; I would like the NAME (or tag)
> of that list item to be assigned the value of a character string:
> I've tried something like this:
> running.list <- numeric(0)
> for(i in 1:num.files){
> .....
> running.list <- append(running.list, list(this.item.name=newdatamatrix))
> }
> but the name of the item is always "this.item.name" instead of
> CONTENTS of the character string called "this.item.name".
> Obviously, this is correct from R's standpoint, but it's not what I
> I can force it to do what I want by doing this:
> running.list <- numeric(0)
> for(i in 1:num.files){
> .....
> junk <- list(newdatamatrix)
> names(junk) <- list(this.item.name)
> running.list <- append(running.list, junk)
> }
> but this requires an extra assigment step, and so has two whole copies
> of the data matrix laying around. (Some might point out that I'm being
> ridiculous worrying about memory if I create a list in this way, but
> that's another question...)
> In some macro languages I've used, there are ways to force the
> evaluation of a section of code before it is passed on to the function
> call (in this case, I'd like to evaluate this.item.name and then
> effectively call the string "list(blah=newdatamatrix)")
> I've tried doing exactly that, i.e.,
> but that doesn't seem to work either. It seems like I should be able
> do this with eval, call, or something...
> Thanks in advance for any help the list has to offer,
> Mike
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Pierre Kleiber, Ph.D Email: pkleiber at honlab.nmfs.hawaii.edu
Fishery Biologist Tel: 808 983-5399 / 808 737-7544 (hm)
NOAA FISHERIES - Honolulu Laboratory Fax: 808 983-2902
2570 Dole St., Honolulu, HI 96822-2396
"God could have told Moses about galaxies and mitochondria and
all. But behold... It was good enough for government work."