see these papers or books (some are available on the
Diego Kuonen, Introduction au data mining avec R :
vers la reconqu?te du `knowledge discovery in
databases' par les statisticiens. Bulletin of the
Swiss Statistical Society, 40:3-7, 2001.
Diego Kuonen and Reinhard Furrer, Data mining avec R
dans un monde libre. Flash Informatique Special ?t?,
pages 45-50, sep 2001.
Brian D. Ripley, Datamining: Large Databases and
Methods, in Proceedings of ?useR! 2004 - The R User
Brian D. Ripley, Using Databases with R, R News,
B. D. Ripley, R. M. Ripley, Applications of R Clients
and Servers in Proceedings of the Distributed
Statistical Computing 2001 Workshop, 2001, Vienna
University of Technology.
Torsten Hothorn, David A. James, Brian D. Ripley, R/S
Interfaces to Databases in Proceedings of the
Distributed Statistical Computing 2001 Workshop,
2001,Vienna University of Technology.
Luis Torgo, Data Mining with R. Learning by case
studies, Maggio 2003
Trevor Hastie , Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman,
The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining,
Inference, and Prediction, 2001, Springer-Verlag.
Data Mining for Bioinformatics
Hoping I helped you.
you wrote:
R people,I need to know if is possible to make data
mining with R. If so, is there any manual or
somewhere/one to consult about that.
Thank you very much
====Diventare costruttori di soluzioni
Became solutions' constructors
"The business of the statistician is to catalyze
the scientific learning process."
George E. P. Box
Top 10 reasons to become a Statistician
1. Deviation is considered normal
2. We feel complete and sufficient
3. We are 'mean' lovers
4. Statisticians do it discretely and continuously
5. We are right 95% of the time
6. We can legally comment on someone's posterior distribution
7. We may not be normal, but we are transformable
8. We never have to say we are certain
9. We are honestly significantly different
10. No one wants our jobs
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