I searched CRAN for material on gant (or Gantt) charts, those schedule plots that look like horizontal barplots where the x-axis is time. Finding none, I wrote the following and am submitting it to the archive so that it may help someone in the future. plotfile <- "gant.eps" regular.color <- "lightgray" important.color <- "yellow" tasks <- list() # Define tasks. Start and end refer to times. tasks[[length(tasks) + 1]] <- list(name = "Name of first task", start = 0, end = 3, color regular.color) tasks[[length(tasks) + 1]] <- list(name = "Name of second task", start = 3, end = 7, color regular.color) tasks[[length(tasks) + 1]] <- list(name = "Name of third task", start = 3, end = 7, color regular.color) tasks[[length(tasks) + 1]] <- list(name = "Name of fourth task", start = 5, end = 9, color important.color) tasks[[length(tasks) + 1]] <- list(name = "Name of fifth task", start = 3, end = 8, color regular.color) tasks[[length(tasks) + 1]] <- list(name = "Name of sixth task", start = 3, end = 11, color important.color) num.tasks <- length(tasks) task.labels <- rep(NA, num.tasks) task.times <- NULL for(i in 1:num.tasks) { task.labels[i] <- paste(i, ". ", tasks[[i]]$name) task.times <- c(task.times, tasks[[i]]$start, tasks[[i]]$end) } # Make the plot ps.options(onefile=T, print.it=F, paper="special", width=8.5, height=4, horizontal=F, pointsize=12, family="Helvetica") postscript(file=plotfile) par(omi=c(0.05, 2, 0.5, 0.1)) par(mar=c(0, 2, 0.60, 0.05)) plot(1:3, 1:3, ylim=c(1, num.tasks) , xlim=range(task.times), main="", xlab = "", xaxs="i", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", ylab="", type="n") par(mgp = c(3, 0.5, 0)) axis(3, at=min(task.times):max(task.times), labels=min(task.times):max(task.times), cex.axis=1.0, las=1, tcl=-0.3) reverse.task.numbers <- rev(1:num.tasks) axis(2, at=reverse.task.numbers, labels=task.labels, cex.axis=1.0, las=1, tcl=-0.2) abline(v=c(min(task.times):max(task.times)), col="darkgray", lty=3) half.height <- 0.25 for(i in 1:num.tasks) { rect(tasks[[i]]$start, reverse.task.numbers[i] - half.height, tasks[[i]]$end, reverse.task.numbers[i] + half.height, col = tasks[[i]]$color, border = F) } box() mtext("Month", side=3, outer=F, line=2, cex=1.1) # x-axis label dev.off() Scott Scott Waichler, Senior Research Scientist Pacific Northwest National Laboratory MSIN K9-36 P.O. Box 999 Richland, WA 99352 USA 509-372-4423 (voice) 509-372-6089 (fax) scott.waichler at pnl.gov hydrology.pnl.gov