Hi R Users, I've struck a problem with 'optim', which has previously worked very well for me. I cannot find a way to set the size of starting simplex when using the Nelder Mead method. The "parscale" argument will control the relative sizes of sides, but not the global magnitude. A short example: f<-function(x){print(x);sum(sin(x))} # A minimum at (0,0). optim(par=c(1,1),fn=f,method="Nel",control=list(maxit=10,parscale=c(1,1)) That makes the initial simplex look like this: 1, 1 1.1, 1 1, 1.1 Now say I want to use a larger intial simplex, mabye: 1, 1 2, 1 1, 2 The documentation suggests that parscale=c(10,10) should do it. But if I do that, I get the same simplex as before. Only the *relative* sizes of parscale seem to matter (I can make one side longer than the others). Does anyone have any advice for me? Scott Brown.