On Tue, 11 Jan 2005, Francisca xuan wrote:
> here is a function I wrote
> cdfest=function(t,lambda,delta,x,y){
> a1=mean(x< t)
> a2=mean(x< t-delta)
> a3=mean(y1< t)
> s=((1-lambda)*a1+lambda*a2-a3)^2
> s
> }
> when I try to integrate over t, I got this message:
>> integrate(cdfest,0,4,lambda=0.3,delta=1,x=x,y=y1)
> Error in integrate(cdfest, 0, 4, lambda = 0.3, delta = 1, x = x, y = y1) :
> evaluation of function gave a result of wrong length
> but the function is definitely in one dimension. what is wrong?
Please read the help page:
f: an R function taking a numeric first argument and returning a
numeric vector of the same length. Returning a non-finite
element will generate an error.
Your function does not do that: it returns a scalar for a vector input of
length > 1, as the message clearly says.
> PLEASE do read the posting guide!
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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