Dear R-list, I try to use StructTS for some univariate time series, with a type="BSM". I have two questions: 1-in the "fitted" value of the object, it seems to me that for getting back fitted values, one have to add level, slope and seasonal (or "level" contains already the two other ones) 2-i am really circumspect about the results of "KalmanForecast" because I get some previsions which seem to be not seasonal. Does the forecast concern only the "level" (and in this case, how is it possible to get real prediction as the seasonality and the slope are not forecasted?)?? Thanks in advance for any help, with my best, erik. PS: packages dse seem to be very appealing but complex. Comparing with StructTS, are they really usefull for predictions?? ================================Erik-André SAULEAU MD, PhD SEAIM Centre hospitalier 87, Avenue d'Altkirch BP 1070 F-68051 Mulhouse Cédex Tel: (0033)389646753 Mel: <> Web: <> ================================Registre des Cancers du Haut-Rhin 9, Rue du Dr Mangeney BP 1370 F-68070 Mulhouse Cédex Tel: (0033)389646251 Web: <> ================================ ********************************************************************************** Afin d'eviter toute propagation de virus informatique, et en complement des dispositifs en place, ce message (et ses pieces jointes s'il y en a) a ete automatiquement analyse par un antivirus de messagerie. ********************************************************************************** [[alternative HTML version deleted]]