Congrats to all those who have contributed to R over the
past year. As with last year, for New Year I would like to
list the top 10 features I would like to see in R. The first
three are the most important.
1. Scripting
With this feature it would be possible to call R like
this as a filter:
R -f myprog.R infile1.txt infile2.txt > outfile.txt
prog1 | R -f myprog.R | prog2
making it convenient to replace many instances of
awk/perl/batch with R. This could also be used by R itself
to eliminate dependence on perl and UNIX tools in the
package building scripts. There are workarounds already but
we need something that works smoothly. This also relates to
the discussions on the mailing lists on streaming.
2. Package Building Tools
The future of R will increasingly depend on the breadth and
quality of the libraries so its important to have good
package building tools and make them solid on all platforms.
This breaks down into:
a. installation. The package building tools could
themselves be a package and installing them should
be as easy as installing any other package. Dependence
on other software should be minimized. Rewrite R CMD
scripts and texi2dvi in R. Eliminate dependence on perl,
UNIX tools and path.
b. use. Fix problem with .Rbuildignore and, on
Windows, the generation of vignettes. Moving this
all to R would likely make it easier to use, too.
Need a brief document that discusses the flow of
issuing the R CMD commands.
3. Naive datetime class.
The chron package already provides a naive (i.e. time zone
free) date time class but we need something in the standard
packages. Fortunately, the addition of the Date class has
solved 80% of the problem here but the remainder still needs
to be addressed.
4. Sourceforge-like Support for Subprojects.
This refers to groupware support for subproject development.
The Lua and Ruby communities have done this with and
5. Change Log
There needs to be a standardized format to communicate changes
in packages.
6. Bug Reporting
Need to find better web-based bug reporting software.
7. User Requirements
Some way of tracking user requirements, wishlist, etc. This is
related to last point. The key point here is that bug tracking
needs to be expanded into issue tracking including design issues,
features requests, etc.
8. Improve Visibility of Future Plans
Despite high volume mailing lists there is very little discussion
of the future of R.
9. \& Back Reference
We have \1, \2, ... but no \&.
10. Miscellaneous Bugs.
a. NextMethod. NextMethod works inconsistently. I have found
each time one uses it one must use trial and error to figure out
which args will be passed or not. [1]
b. Regexps \b and \B do not always work properly. [2]