Dear nlme-lovers, I do a fit fo a 3-parameter fit to physiological data with nlme: EmptD<-deriv(~(vol+slope*t)*exp(-t/tempt)... The approach described in Pinheiro/Bates by using nlsList as a first approximator was somewhat unstable (many NA), but a direct fit converges quickly and fits look good: contr=nlmeControl(pnlsTol=0.1) v.nlme=nlme(v~EmptD(t,vol,slope,tempt),data=acg, verbose=F,control=contr, fixed=list(tempt+slope~treat+what,vol~1), random=vol+tempt+slope~1, start=c(150,-50,-50,-5,3,5,14,3,645)) However, I had to use a rather large value of pnlsTol of 0.1 go achieve convergence. Questions: 1) What is the price I have to pay when using so large pnlsTol? Could I miss any more distant optima? 2) When using an even larger value of pnlsTol=0.3, AIC is lower by 2 and standard errors are somewhat lower. Can I trust this result? Dieter Menne