2004-Dec-03 13:33 UTC
Réf. : Re: [R] Choice modelling (was:(no subject))
>>I could incorporate indicators of choice availability as explanotary >>variables, but it does not seem a very good way to do it. >>Instead, for a logit model, I have coded a likelihood computation of the >>underlying model with varying choice set and I use optim function to get >>the "maximum". >> >> >Could you post the code?I can but will be ashamed of my coding... Something like the following : calcLikelihood<-function(beta,x,y, S) { #beta : parameter to be estimated #S: 0/1 matrix of choices available for each individual #x matrix of choice caracteristic (only compute intercept) #beta[k] : intercept of choice k #y : choice made for each indiv logLikObs <- 0 for (t in 1:length(y)) { #utility of choice at t u_ch_t= beta %*% x[y[t],] # overall utility of possible choices at t u_tot_t = sum( exp( beta %*% x )) + 1 logLikObs=logLikObs + (u_ch_t - log (u_tot_t) ) } return(logLikObs) } #Dummy exemple : calcProbfromUtil <- function (utilVector) { v<-exp(utilVector) return(v/sum(v)) } drawFromProb <- function (probVector) { x<-(1:length(probVector)) u<-runif(1) if (u > max(probVector)) { return(min(x[probVector==max(probVector)])) } else { return(min(x[probVector==min(probVector[probVector>u])])) } } nb_class<-4 #nb of choices maxBeta <- 5 minBeta <- -maxBeta betaFree <-round(runif(nb_class-1, min=minBeta, max=maxBeta),2) beta <- c(0,betaFree) #parameter to be estimated x <- diag(nb_class) T <- (nb_class*5000) #nb of individuals S <- array(ifelse(runif(nb_class*T)>0.5,1,0),dim=c(T,nb_class)) #0/1 matrix of choices available for each individual util <- t(apply(S,1,function(x) {x*beta})) #utility for each choices prob <- t(apply(util,1,calcProbfromUtil)) #corresponding probability y <- as.vector(apply(prob,1,drawFromProb)) #betaFree : param??tre libre de beta calcLikelihoodFromBetaFree <- function(betaFree) { return(calcLikelihood(c(0,betaFree),x,0,y, S)) } #AND FINALLY resOptim <- optim(par=rep(0,nb_class-1), fn=calcLikelihoodFromBetaFree, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=rep(minBeta*1.5,nb_class-1), upper=rep(maxBeta*1.5,nb_class-1), control=list(trace=0,fnscale=-1)) beta_est<-c(0,resOptim$par) #of course , in order to do it right beta_est should be "normalized"...