<ockham <at> gmx.net> writes:
: hello,
: i would like to read in a small amount of csv data directly from a
: sweave-enabled latex document. i tried
: \begin{Scode}{fig=FALSE,echo=TRUE}
: timeval <- read.csv(stdin(),nrows=2)
: t1,t2,t3,t4
: 24.23,26.79,23.47,23.97
: \end{Scode}
: but apparently the stdin() approach doesnt't work as I get
: Writing to file test.tex
: Processing code chunks ...
: 1 : echo term verbatim
: Error: chunk 1
: Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : parse error
: Any help very much appreciated...
Here a couple of solutions:
1. You could use the my.stdin function from:
like this in sweave (untested):
my.stdin <- function( tag, this.file = eval.parent(quote(file),n=3) )
textConnection( sub(tag, "", grep(tag,readLines(this.file),value=T))
timeval <-
#x t1,t2,t3,t4
#x 24.23,26.79,23.47,23.97
where sweave.path.file is the path/filename of your sweave file.
2. A second possibility is to just read it in into R, display it
using dput and copy and paste that into your sweave document.
a. Read your data in using R (note that nrows is the number
of _data_ rows) and display it using dput:
R> timeval <- read.csv(stdin(), nrows=1)
0: t1,t2,t3,t4
1: 24.23,26.79,23.47,23.97
R> dput(timeval)
structure(list(t1 = 24.23, t2 = 26.79, t3 = 23.47, t4 = 23.97),
.Names = c("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4"),
class = "data.frame", row.names
= "1")
b. Copy the output of dput into the clipboard (i.e. select
it with the mouse and initiate a copy ,e.g. ctrl-c on
c. In the editor with your sweave document enter
timeval <-
and press Paste, e.g. ctrl-V in windows.