Dear List:
I have a large dataframe that I need to break down into many smaller
dataframes. Specifically, I have student achievement test scores for all
students across grades 3 through 12. My goal is to create an individual
dataframe for each grade. Rather than subsetting multiple times, the
split command appears to be what I need.
When I do
> foo<-split(data, data$grade)
> str(foo)
It appears to have split the large dataframe as I wanted, but I cannot
seem to figure out how I go about saving each file individually. Because
my organization works across platforms, I need to first split the data
by a series of factors, create individual dataframes, and then I will
need to save them as csv's. My challenge is really only step 2, create
the separate dataframes.
I'm also wondering if it is possible for each dataframe to be named
"data.3", "data.4" ... "data.12" where anything
following the period is
the factor (or factor list) that was used to split the data. So, for
example, if I split by grade and gender, I would have "data.3F" and
Any help is appreciated.
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