Gabor Grothendieck <ggrothendieck at>
writes:> cjlu <cjlu <at>> writes:
> : How can I calculate a double integral like
> :
> : \int_a^b \int_c^y g(x, y) dx dy
> :
> : where a, b, c are constants, g(x, y), e.g.,
> : g(x, y) = tan(x + y).
> :
> Integrate
> g2 <- function(x, y) g(x, y) * (x > y)
> over (a,b) x (a,c).
Thanks Gabor for your prompt and helpful response!
Later on, I realized that such an integration can be done by
the following way, provided function g(x, y) takes vector input, e.g.,
g(x, y) = tan(x + y)
> integrate(function(y) {
+ sapply(y, function(y) {
+ integrate(function(x) tan(x + y), -.5, y)$value
+ })
+ }, 0, .5)
0.07238855 with absolute error < 1.1e-15
if g(x, y) can only take scalar input, we can do
> integrate(function(y) {
+ sapply(y, function(y) {
+ integrate(function(x) {
+ sapply(x, function(x) tan(x + y))
+ }, -.5, y)$value
+ })
+ }, 0, .5)
0.07238855 with absolute error < 1.1e-15
Best regards,
C. Joseph Lu
Department of Statistics
National Cheng-Kung University
Taiwan, ROC
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