Tinn-R is a small (< 2 Mb), but feature-rich, text/code editor for Windows. It is distributed under GPL. Tinn-R contains various tools to interact with R (submit code in whole, or line by line; list objects; clear the user workspace or graph devices; stop current computation; get help on a function, etc...). Among general features of Tinn-R: syntax highlighting for R code as well as for 20 other languages, bracket matching, project management (with multiple files), copy code with syntax coloring in RTF, HTML or TeX, etc... Tinn-R is developped by Jos?? Cl??udio Faria (mailto:joseclaudio.faria at terra.com.br), Philippe Grosjean (mailto:phgrosjean at sciviews.org) and contributors. If you want to give it a try, or upgrade to the new version, visit sciviews.org/Tinn-R. Best regards, Philippe Grosjean ..............................................<??}))><........ ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( Prof. Philippe Grosjean ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( Numerical Ecology of Aquatic Systems ) ) ) ) ) Mons-Hainaut University, Pentagone ( ( ( ( ( Academie Universitaire Wallonie-Bruxelles ) ) ) ) ) 6, av du Champ de Mars, 7000 Mons, Belgium ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) phone: +, fax: + ( ( ( ( ( email: Philippe.Grosjean at umh.ac.be ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( web: umh.ac.be/~econum ) ) ) ) ) ..............................................................