Hello! In logistic regression I have a rare event as the dependent variable, i.e. the "successes" appear with a frequency of ca. 3%. In a paper by -- Dr. Martin Pl??derl Universit??t Salzburg Fachbereich Psychologie Abteilung Sozialpsychologie Hellbrunnerstr. 34 5020 Salzburg Phone: +43 662 8044 5130 martin.ploederl at sbg.ac.at
Hello! In logistic regression I have a rare event as the dependent variable, i.e. the "successes" appear with a frequency of ca. 3%. In a Paper by King & Zeng "Logistic Regression in Rare Events Data" (http://gking.harvard.edu/stats.shtml ) a prior-correction method and/or a weighting procedure is suggested to reduce the bias resulting from such analysis. The authors state that using Jeffreys invariant prior also works. Does anybody know who to implement this in R? Thank you for your reply! -- Dr. Martin Pl??derl Universit??t Salzburg Fachbereich Psychologie Abteilung Sozialpsychologie Hellbrunnerstr. 34 5020 Salzburg Phone: +43 662 8044 5130 martin.ploederl at sbg.ac.at