Hello, I not have attached in this e-mail the zipped list of matrices I am using because it has 1 meg once zipped and anyway we cannot send attached files on r-help mailling list. First, after running the code that is written bellow, I realized that the printout of dudi.pca gives me for both of my matrices $cw length that are unequal to either respective $rank or $eig lengths. Is that normal, if not how can I solve it, or get around it? (discrimin() seems to have an issue about that) Secondly, it does not matter which matrices I am treating first, but once the second is pasted on the second run of my function best, discrimin crashes. The weared thing about this is, that if I perform the same operations directly without making a function both matrices can be analysed by discrimin. Is it my function that is wrong or the something within the discrimin code! Here is my code: load("~/matrix2.RData") best<-function(liste=alt.transf,nombre=99){ x<-liste[[nombre]] library(ade4) p<-99 xx<-cov(x[,-(1:3)]) a<-eigen(xx,only.values=T) poids<-cumsum(a$values/sum(a$values)) nombre<-min(which(poids>=(p/100)),na.rm=T) acp<-dudi.pca(x[,-(1:3)],scale=T,scannf=F,nf=nombre) #if ve or vt print(acp) d<-discrimin(acp, as.factor(x[,1]),scan=F,nf=4) return(d) } b<-best(k,1) #look at the print out ... .... $rank: 166 eigen values: 86.02 17.09 12.76 8.727 8.338 ... vector length mode content 1 $cw 167 numeric column weights 2 $lw 475 numeric row weights 3 $eig 166 numeric eigen values ... #now try b<-best(k,2) #look at the print out ... .... $rank: 218 eigen values: 104.7 28.94 14.56 10.62 7.793 ... vector length mode content 1 $cw 219 numeric column weights 2 $lw 507 numeric row weights 3 $eig 218 numeric eigen values ... Error in tapply(dudi$lw, fac, sum) : arguments must have same length Any suggestions would be really helpful. I got ton's a matrices to analyse Thanks a lot! -- S??bastien Durand Ma??trise en biologie Universit?? de Montr??al (514) 343-6864 Universit?? du Qu??bec ?? Montr??al (514) 987-3000 (1572#)
Martin Maechler
2004-Aug-02 08:04 UTC
[R] Not attaching zip files to postings.. {was "dudi.pca behaviour..."}
>>>>> "Sebastien" == Sebastien Durand <sebastien.durand at umontreal.ca> >>>>> on Sat, 31 Jul 2004 16:57:07 -0400 writes:Sebastien> Hello, Sebastien> I not have attached in this e-mail the zipped Sebastien> list of matrices I am using because it has 1 meg Sebastien> once zipped and anyway we cannot send attached Sebastien> files on r-help mailling list. yes, some (few) you can, but definitely not zip files -- AFAIK nowadays most viruses come as *.zip ... The posting guide (below) tells you what to do instead of attaching them. Regards, Martin