Hi there. Mac OSX 3.3.4 R 1.9.1 I am analysing a data set with the following model m4<- lme(fixed=sr~time*poly(energy,2)*poly(dist,2),random=~time|pot,data=deh) where time is one of six months, pot is a jar in which the repeated measures of species number (sr) was made. energy and dist (disturbance) are fixed experimental treatments. We are trying to test the hypothesis that there is an interaction between energy and disturbance that varies through time, with the expectation that sr varies quadratically with energy and with disturbance. Our difficulty is interpreting the various outputs from the model, assuming it is specified correctly - sorry if this is more a stats question than a R mechanics question. summary(m1) and anova(m1) produce the tables below the --------. Q1) Am i correct to assume that the anova table is sequential? Q2) How does one interpret the fixed effects/"coefficients table"? Do the insignificant terms for poly(dist)2 all the way down (Up) to its main effect suggest that a quadratic function in dist is not significant? Q3) If we remove the quadratic term in dist and compare it to the model with poly(dist,2), the anova says the polynomial is significant > anova(update(m2,~.,method="ML"),update(m4,~.,method="ML")) Model df AIC BIC logLik Test L.Ratio p-value update(m2, ~., method = "ML") 1 16 2781.683 2858.271 -1374.841 update(m4, ~., method = "ML") 2 22 2771.380 2876.688 -1363.690 1 vs 2 22.303 0.0011 despite only the main effect of poly(dist,2) being significant in the terms. Is the best approach to use the anova test or the coefficients? How does one justify the insignificance of every term with poly(dist)2 in it? Many thanks in advance andrew --------------------------------- >summary(m1) Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML Data: deh AIC BIC logLik 2687.974 2792.830 -1321.987 Random effects: Formula: ~time | pot Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization StdDev Corr (Intercept) 1.5503393 (Intr) time 0.1858609 -0.862 Residual 0.9234853 Fixed effects: sr ~ time * poly(energy, 2) * poly(dist, 2) Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value (Intercept) 8.2424 0.14576 721 56.54737 0.0000 time -1.1447 0.02376 721 -48.16926 0.0000 poly(energy, 2)1 18.2052 4.34118 721 4.19361 0.0000 poly(energy, 2)2 -43.8133 4.34213 721 -10.09028 0.0000 poly(dist, 2)1 -9.9600 4.34169 721 -2.29403 0.0221 poly(dist, 2)2 -10.6639 4.34198 721 -2.45599 0.0143 time:poly(energy, 2)1 1.7320 0.70705 721 2.44961 0.0145 time:poly(energy, 2)2 5.6245 0.70695 721 7.95608 0.0000 time:poly(dist, 2)1 -0.6569 0.70701 721 -0.92908 0.3532 time:poly(dist, 2)2 0.0400 0.70697 721 0.05657 0.9549 poly(energy, 2)1:poly(dist, 2)1 356.6786 128.77967 721 2.76968 0.0058 poly(energy, 2)2:poly(dist, 2)1 -99.7288 128.60505 721 -0.77547 0.4383 poly(energy, 2)1:poly(dist, 2)2 -11.4295 129.65263 721 -0.08816 0.9298 poly(energy, 2)2:poly(dist, 2)2 149.5420 129.80979 721 1.15201 0.2497 time:poly(energy, 2)1:poly(dist, 2)1 -79.3803 20.96606 721 -3.78613 0.0002 time:poly(energy, 2)2:poly(dist, 2)1 59.4570 20.93577 721 2.83997 0.0046 time:poly(energy, 2)1:poly(dist, 2)2 -20.6131 21.10723 721 -0.97659 0.3291 time:poly(energy, 2)2:poly(dist, 2)2 -22.3304 21.13159 721 -1.05673 0.2910 > anova(m4) numDF denDF F-value p-value (Intercept) 1 721 888.6686 <.0001 time 1 721 2321.2473 <.0001 poly(energy, 2) 2 721 77.1328 <.0001 poly(dist, 2) 2 721 22.9940 <.0001 time:poly(energy, 2) 2 721 34.6873 <.0001 time:poly(dist, 2) 2 721 0.4551 0.6345 poly(energy, 2):poly(dist, 2) 4 721 2.5824 0.0361 time:poly(energy, 2):poly(dist, 2) 4 721 6.1290 0.0001