Hi there, May I ask the following question. Our Solaris installation of Xemacs and R: SunOS fluke 5.9 Generic_117171-02 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R one cannot start R inside xemacs: M-x R "symbol's function definition is void". Also, loading a *.tex file into Xemacs will result in "loading tex mode .. done", but the additional buttons to call TeX related processes do not show. Last week everything was working fine both for R and TeX, but suddenly things got broken. May be this has something to do with compiling the patch 1.9.0..? To me it is looking like a path problem. So, to find out, I would think of a mode in Xemacs that that traces the startup of R tells me, which file it was not able to find and why (environment variable wrong, ...) Can anybody please give a hint? Thanks Christian -- Dr.sc.math.Christian W. Hoffmann, http://www.wsl.ch/staff/christian.hoffmann Mathematics + Statistical Computing e-mail: christian.hoffmann at wsl.ch Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL Tel: ++41-44-73922- -77 (office) CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland -11(exchange), -15 (fax)