Prof Brian Ripley
2004-Jun-10 12:13 UTC
[R] ordered probit or logit / recursive regression
On Thu, 10 Jun 2004, VUILLEUMIER Mathieu wrote:> I make a study in health econometrics and have a categorical dependent > variable (take value 1-5). I would like to fit an ordered probit or > ordered logit but i didn't find a command or package who make that. Does > anyone know if it's exists ?Does polr in package MASS or lrm in package Design do what you want? -- Brian D. Ripley, ripley at Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self) 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA) Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595
> I make a study in health econometrics and have a categorical > dependent variable (take value 1-5). I would like to fit an ordered > probit or ordered logit but i didn't find a command or package who > make that. Does anyone know if it's exists ?R is very fancy. You won't get mundane things like ordered probit off the shelf. (I will be very happy if someone will show how to use glm() to do a vanilla probit!) But you will get markov chain monte carlo for the ordered probit model! :-) It's cool.>"ordered probit")MCMCoprobit(mcmcpack-0.4-8) Markov chain Monte Carlo for Ordered Probit Regression> library(MCMCpack)## ## Markov chain Monte Carlo Package (MCMCpack) ## Copyright (C) 2003 Andrew D. Martin and Kevin M. Quinn ## Loading required package: coda Loading required package: MASS> ?MCMCoprobitThe example in this function suggests: x1 <- rnorm(100); x2 <- rnorm(100); z <- 1.0 + x1*0.1 - x2*0.5 + rnorm(100); y <- z; y[z < 0] <- 0; y[z >= 0 & z < 1] <- 1; y[z >= 1 & z < 1.5] <- 2; y[z >= 1.5] <- 3; posterior <- MCMCoprobit(y ~ x1 + x2, tune=0.3, mcmc=20000) plot(posterior) summary(posterior) In our standard econometrics notation for the ordered probit model, we use beta for the coefficients and tau for the vector of cutoffs, I think they are using beta = (1,.1,-.5), T=100, y* = beta'x + u, sigma(u) = 1, tau = (0, 1, 1.5). (They use 'z' for our y*). When I run this, I get:> summary(posterior)Iterations = 1:19996 Thinning interval = 5 Number of chains = 1 Sample size per chain = 4000 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable, plus standard error of the mean: Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE (Intercept) 1.10010 0.1580 0.002497 0.003518 x1 0.09309 0.1238 0.001958 0.001953 x2 -0.53336 0.1194 0.001887 0.001943 gamma2 1.08807 0.1565 0.002474 0.004187 gamma3 1.54971 0.1818 0.002875 0.004952 2. Quantiles for each variable: 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% (Intercept) 0.8037 0.99397 1.09560 1.2053 1.4253 x1 -0.1503 0.01075 0.09285 0.1784 0.3393 x2 -0.7671 -0.61606 -0.53358 -0.4534 -0.2977 gamma2 0.7989 0.98142 1.08194 1.1901 1.4077 gamma3 1.2020 1.42604 1.54146 1.6618 1.9291 -- Ajay Shah Consultant ajayshah at Department of Economic Affairs Ministry of Finance, New Delhi
On Sat, 12 Jun 2004, Ajay Shah wrote:> > R is very fancy. You won't get mundane things like ordered probit off > the shelf. (I will be very happy if someone will show how to use glm() > to do a vanilla probit!)glm(y~x+z, family=binomial(probit)) Be happy, -thomas
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