If I have a plot and I want to insert a bitmap in the same device,,,,how to do it? Thank you Luis Ridao Cruz Fiskiranns??knarstovan N??at??n 1 P.O. Box 3051 FR-110 T??rshavn Faroe Islands Phone: +298 353900 Phone(direct): +298 353912 Mobile: +298 580800 Fax: +298 353901 E-mail: luisr at frs.fo Web: www.frs.fo
On Fri, May 28, 2004 at 04:58:58PM +0100, Luis Rideau Cruz wrote:> If I have a plot and I want to insert a bitmap in the same device,,,,how to do it?IIRC the pixmap package on CRAN helps with that. Dirk -- FEATURE: VW Beetle license plate in California
Luis Rideau Cruz wrote:> If I have a plot and I want to insert a bitmap in the same device,,,,how to do it?Yesterday we have learned, how to load and plot jpeg images (see: Is it possible to read jpeg files into R?) Now you need a way to insert this into another figure. For this purpose the grid and gridBase packages can be applied, which is explained in an article from Paul Murrel in R-News 02/2003 and in his lecture at the useR! conference, see: http://cran.r-project.org/doc/Rnews/ and http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/Conferences/useR-2004/Keynotes/ useR! Thomas P.
Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote: > IIRC the pixmap package on CRAN helps with that. Ah, I see, ?addlogo is much easier than grid in this case, as one sees in a (slightly modified) version of the help example: x <- read.pnm(system.file("pictures/logo.ppm", package="pixmap")[1]) plot(sample(1:100)) for (i in 1:7) addlogo(x, px=c(0, (101/77)*11), py=c((i-1)*11, i*11), asp=1) Thank you Thomas P.