Han-Lin Lai
2004-May-19 16:46 UTC
[R] mixed models for analyzing survey data with unequal selection probability
Hi, I need the help on this topic because this is out of my statistical trianing as biologist. Here is my brief description of the problem. I have a survey that VESSELs are selected at random with the probability of p(j). Then the tows within the jth VESSEL are sampled at random with probability of p(i|j). I write my model as y = XB + Zb + e where XB is fixed part, Zb is for random effect (VESSEL) and e is within-vessel error. I feel that I should weight the Zb part by p(j) and the e-part by p(i,j)=p(j)*p(i|j). Is this a correct weighting? How can I implement the weightings in nlme (or lme)? I think that p(i,j) can be specified by nlme(..., weights=p(i,j),...)? Where is p(j) to be used in nlme? I appreciate anyone can provide examples and literature for this problem. Cheers! Han