I agree with Lorenz, but would add a couple other recommended books:
Cleveland, WS (1994) The Elements of Graphing Data
Cleveland WS (1993) Visualizing Data.
both are pub. by Hobart Press, in Summit NJ, USA
I think the problem with 3 D graphics (at least for me) is that not only can
they obscure patterns that exist, they can sometimes show patterns that do NOT
exist. Not a good deal But others may be better at using them than I
Lorenz.Gygax at fat.admin.ch wrote:
>Hi Tine,
>>I have been trying to look for documentation on making a 3D
>>histogram in R (so a histogram on which there are several distributions
>>are plotted), but I cannot find anything on it. Is it possible to
>>construct such histograms and should use a special package (f.e.
>In my opinion you should never use 3D graphs. Due to the perspective on
>these graphs it is always difficult to compare different values of the
>graphed data and usually it is also difficult to get a good estimate of the
>actual values as the axes are not always aligned with the data of interst.
>You might want to ask yourself whether your data is really as simple that it
>can be shown in bars (or could you e.g. rather use boxlplots). If you want
>to graph your data as in barplots, you could plot the values of your bars
>using points in a 2D diagram and e.g. connect the points that would have
>been in one row/column in the 3D diagram.
>If you are interested in the graphical presentation of quantitative data, I
>can only recommend:
> author = {Tufte, Edward R},
> title = {The Visual Display of Quantitative Information},
> publisher = {Graphic Press},
> year = {1999},
> address = {Cheshire, Connecticut},
> edition = {17th printing}
>Hope this helps. Lorenz
>Lorenz Gygax, Dr. sc. nat.
>Tel: +41 (0)52 368 33 84 / lorenz.gygax at fat.admin.ch
>Tag der offenen T??r, 11./12. Juni 2004: http://www.fat.ch/2004
>Center for proper housing of ruminants and pigs
>Swiss Veterinary Office
>agroscope FAT T??nikon, CH-8356 Ettenhausen / Switzerland
>Fax : +41 (0)52 365 11 90 / Tel: +41 (0)52 368 31 31
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Peter L. Flom, PhD
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