> From: ivo welch
> Hi: I would like to write a function that takes as its input
> a formula
> and outputs normalized coefficients ( coef(x)*sdv(x)/sdv(y)
> ). now, a
> formula is an object, and I cannot see how to extract the
> variables for
> obtaining sdv's. the intent is to write something like
> my.print.lm( formula ) {
> model <- lm(formula);
> coefs <- (t(summary.lm(model)))[1,];
> tvals <- (t(summary.lm(model)))[3,];
> for (i in 1:length( formula.contents.length ) ) {
> normcoefs[i] <- coefs[i]*sd( formula.coef[i] )
> /sd( formula.yvar ); }
> # now I can do nice printing
> }
> my.print.lm ( y~x+z );
It's not clear to me what you want to do. You need data in addition to the
formula, no? See if the following is approximately what you are looking
myPrint.lm <- function(lm.obj) {
## You don't want to include the intercept, do you?
coefs <- coef(lm.obj)[-1]
tvals <- summary(lm.obj)$coefficients[-1, 3]
m <- model.frame(fit) # get the data used for the fit.
SD <- apply(m, 2, sd)
normCoefs <- coefs * SD[-1] / SD[1]
## Do whatever nice printing you want.
## ...
Here's a test:
> set.seed(1)
> dat <- data.frame(y=rnorm(30), x1=runif(30), x2=runif(30), x3=runif(30))
> fit <- lm(y~., dat)
> print(myPrint.lm(fit))
x1 x2 x3
0.19635111 0.19688412 0.02435227 >
> ## Isn't this easier?
> dat3 <- as.data.frame(scale(dat))
> coef(lm(y ~ 0 + ., dat3))
x1 x2 x3
0.19635111 0.19688412 0.02435227
> or something like it. If this is not easy, please just tell
> me. I just
> do not want to spend a day to reinvent a wheel that is very
> simple for
> an R statistician. help appreciated.
> regards,
> /iaw
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