Hallo! I have a distance matrix (class matrix or dist) and an integer vector with cluster codes and would like to validate the result. I do NOT have the data matrix. I would like to validate the clustering. I found the function "silhouette". (Does a great job). But I looking for one 2 more (e.g. Dunns, C index). Anyone know where I can find them, or anyone are willing to share an implementation. Sincerely Eryk. Dipl. bio-chem. Eryk Witold Wolski @ MPI-Moleculare Genetic Ihnestrasse 63-73 14195 Berlin 'v' tel: 0049-30-84131469 / \ mail: wolski@molgen.mpg.de ---W-W---- http://www.molgen.mpg.de/~wolski [[alternative HTML version deleted]]