Hi, I'am trying to use R in my Cpp project but I fail. First I try to include R.h for loading statically R.dll but there is conflict with windows definition of Error. Second, I try to use dynamically that Dll but, I can't use allocVector (toto here). The error message said that I try to read a no allocate zone. This is my code. typedef SEXP (*MYPROC)(SEXPTYPE,int); MYPROC toto; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { HINSTANCE hLib=LoadLibrary("R.DLL"); if(hLib==NULL) { cout << "Unable to load library!" << endl; getch(); return 0; } char mod[MAXMODULE]; GetModuleFileName((HMODULE)hLib, (LPTSTR)mod, MAXMODULE); cout << "Library loaded: " << mod << endl; getch(); toto=(MYPROC)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hLib, "Rf_allocVector"); if((toto==NULL)) { cout << "Unable to load function(s)." << endl; FreeLibrary((HMODULE)hLib); return 1; } SEXP ab;// = new SEXPREC; ab = (toto) (REALXP,2); } Third I have download R COM. I' am looking for counsel. Am I compulsory to use R com or not? If not how can I improve my code? Do you have an idea? JBB [[alternative HTML version deleted]]