On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 Jens_Praestgaard at hgsi.com wrote:
> I have a need to call and pass arguments to nlme() from within another
> function. I use R version 1.8.
> I have found an apparent way to make this work, but I would appreciate
> some comments on whether this fix is really appropriate, or there is
> another way to do it that does not involve changing the source code. I
> don't have enough experience to start changing the sorurce code of a
> library function.
> Calling nlme from within a function as done below will give an error:
> testfunc<-
> function(dat=v) {
> test<-nlsList(result~a+(b-a)/(1+(conc/(c+z*cdiff))^d)
> |rep,start=dat$init,data=dat$mixeddat)
> return(nlme(test,random=b~1))
> }
> Here, v is an appropriate data frame in the main workspace.
> Inserting two lines in nlme.nlsList will fix it:
> Replacing line 21 from bottom "mData<-eval(mData) " by "
mData <-
> eval(mData,parent.frame())"
> Inserting thisCall[["data"]]<-mData on line 4 from bottom
before val
> <- do.call("nlme.formula", thisCall)
> Doing this makes nlme.nlsList recognize the input data of the regression.
> But is there a way to do this without changing the source code?
I'm surprised this works. I tried
fm1 <- nlsList(SSasymp, data = dat)
fm2 <- nlme(fm1, random = Asym ~ 1)
using the example from ?nlme.nlsList, and it failed in the nlsList()
evaluation, because nlsList was passing the name of its data argument and
losing the location. It didn't get as far as nlme.nlsList.
In this example
fm1<-eval.parent(substitute(nlsList(SSasymp, data = dat)))
works, but it isn't pretty (and will fail if `dat' isn't in the
I think it will take more surgery on nlsList and nlme to make this work