On 17 Mar 2004 at 14:36, jlozano at apoy.upm.edu.ph wrote:
> Dear mailing list,
> I'm trying to run the sample program about coxreg in the eha package.
> But the command is not recognized. I tried the boot and also the
> survival library. Hope you can help me solve this little problem.
> Thank you.
> Jei
Hi Jei,
what's wrong with the package 'eha'? When I call
help.search("coxreg"), I get...
> help.search("coxreg")
Help files with alias or concept or title matching 'coxreg' using
fuzzy matching:
coxreg.fit(eha) Cox regression
coxreg(eha) Cox regression
print.coxreg(eha) Prints coxreg objects
summary.coxreg(eha) Prints coxreg objects
fit.lmc(gstat) Fit a Linear Model of Coregionalization to a
Multivariable Sample Variogram
cox.zph(survival) Test the Proportional Hazards Assumption of a
Cox Regression
Type 'help(FOO, package = PKG)' to inspect entry 'FOO(PKG)
Hope it helps,
Bernd Weiss, M.A.
Universitaet zu Koeln / University of Cologne
Forschungsinstitut fuer Soziologie / Research Institute for Sociology
Greinstr. 2 / 50 939 Cologne / Germany
Phone: +49 221 / 470-4234
E-Mail: <bernd.weiss at uni-koeln.de>