Hello Bruno
Your query is very broad, but it sounds as if you have not heard of a Windoz
based application package called Echoview
<http://www.sonardata.com/sonardata/default.shtm>. Of course there are
half a dozen to a dozen or more analysis packages out there that have been
developed by acoustics groups (from the IMR Bergen Integrator to NIWA's
ESP2), but Echoview is becoming something of a standard.
R is not the best tool to deal with the very large files that consitute raw
acoustic data, and there isn't much point when there are good packages out
there already.
Sam McClatchie,
Sub-program leader, Pelagic Fisheries
South Australian Aquatic Sciences Centre
PO Box 120, Henley Beach 5022
Adelaide, South Australia
email <mcclatchie.sam at saugov.sa.gov.au>
Telephone: (61-8) 8200 2448
FAX: (61-8) 8200 2481
Research home page <http://www.smcc.150m.com/>
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-------------------Message: 25
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 13:38:16 +0000
From: Marcelo Bruno <ocbruno at netscape.net>
Subject: [R] Fisheries acoustics
To: R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Message-ID: <404F1A48.5080103 at netscape.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Hi, member-list
i'm searching for packages or routines to analise fisheries acoustics data.
Something make import data of scientific ecosound (EK500) of paralel
port, filter signal, analyse pattern of pixel fish shoals...
Is there someone work with this ? If no, why dont make colective effort
to do this?? (package fish_acoustic).