Katki, Hormuzd (NIH/NCI)
2004-Mar-04 20:18 UTC
[R] passing a formula to coxph() along with a ...
Hello. I am making a program that allows a user to enter a formula to be used in coxph() and then does some other stuff to it, and also allows the user to set other options within coxph(). What is the proper way to pass a formula to a function along with a ...? I have a function: func <- function(coxformula, data = parent.frame(),...) { # Cut to relevant part of function coxmod <- coxph(formula=coxformula, data=dataframe,...) resids <- residuals(coxmod,'dfbeta') } I use the function call: func(Surv(failtime,cancer)~smoke,dataframe=dataset,robust=TRUE) The coxph() evaluates properly. But the error is in evaluating the residuals(): Error in model.frame(formula = coxformula, data = dataframe, : Object "coxformula" not found When using recover(), the error upon running the residuals function is: Error during wrapup: Object "coxformula" not found But there are 2 times when it does work: 1. If I do residuals.coxph(coxmod,type='martingale'), then it does work! (But for no other residual type) 2. If I don't include anything in the ... (i.e. I don't ask for robust=TRUE in the call), then it works fine. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Hormuzd Katki Hormuzd Katki Biostatistics Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics National Cancer Institute, NIH, DHHS 6120 Executive Blvd. Room 8044 MSC 7244 Rockville, MD 20852-4910 301-594-7818 (voice) 301-402-0081 (fax) katkih at mail.nih.gov