On Mon, 1 Mar 2004 jhallman at frb.gov wrote:
> In Splus, I often use graphics windows with a black background and white
> foreground. The S print.graph() function sends the current plot to my
> printer but with a white background and black foreground. I'd like to
S (and S-PLUS) only has a few colour numbers, and you can change their
interpretation on the screen graphics devices after plotting. R does plot
in colours rather than numbers.
> be able to do something similar in R, but can't figure out how.
> tried various permutations of dev.copy() and dev.print(), but it seems
> that the foreground color is fixed when the original plot is drawn, and
> dev.copy always redraws it with that color. So even though I can get my
> postscript output with a white background, things that were drawn white on
> dark background of my X11 device are still drawn white when dev.copy'd
> to a postscript device. Since the postscript has a white background,
> that means the white foreground stuff doesn't show up.
> Is there a way to handle this? Or do I just have to give up on ever
> using a dark canvas in X11() if I ever want to print the result?
There are many ways to print the result, and re-running the plot commands
after switching to a postscript() device is one of the best. This would
work for you if you only ever use colour numbers and switch the palette
(and par("fg")).
> Please reply directly.
> Jeff
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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