Hallo! I have the a model with 3 time points, 2 treatments and N subjects. I can calculate an ANOVA but I can not calculate the CI of the interaction term (time and treatment), which I need for a closer look at the effect of the treatment to the 3 time points. I do NOT want to use lme because I can not manage it to reproduce text book examples (see my posting [R] lme: reproducing example Karl Knoblick (Tue 02 Dec 2003 - 21:34:54 EST)). Here some sample data: # Data ID<-factor(rep(1:35,each=3)) # 35 subjects TREAT<-factor(c(rep("A", 60), rep("B", 45))) TIME<-factor(rep(1:3, 35)) Y<-numeric(length=105) set.seed(1234) Y<-rnorm(105) Y[TREAT=="A" & TIME==2]<-Y[TREAT=="A" & TIME==2] + 1 # want to see an effect! DF<-data.frame(Y, ID, TREAT, TIME) # 2 possible designs: # Design 1 with random term DF.aov1<-aov(Y ~ TIME*TREAT + Error(TREAT:ID), data=DF) summary(DF.aov1) # Design 2 without random term DF.aov2<-aov(Y ~ TIME*TREAT, data=DF) summary(DF.aov2) I am also not sure about the design - I think design 1 is more appropriate. What I have tried is to calculate the CI of the coefficients: confint(DF.aov1[[2]]) confint(DF.aov1[[3]]) (or: confint(DF.aov2) ) But how can I get the CI for a concrete difference for example between the treatments at time point 2? I really hope, sombody can help! Karl