Hi list, a question for persons using Suse Linux with R. There are two rpms for Suse 8.2 on the mirrors for the base 1.8.0 package, The R-base-1.8.... rpm and one which is named R-patchted-1.8.0... rpm. The second one is 4 megs smaller than the first and the patch is naturally posted later. My question is: Do I need to install both, or is the "patched" version a full version of the base package containing some fixes. Thanks, wayne king
Hi, there is no Oracle Client on my machine (Redhat Linux 9.0/686i, R1.8.0). I read the readme.client file and did: I unziped the package ROracle and copied it into the R-library path. I get:>library(ROracle)Error in testRversion(descfields) : This package has not been installed properly Who has a binary version of ROracle for my configuration? Thanks, Claus