Dear listers, I experinced a problem prdicting the values using the LME with multilevel data. I have NA's in my dependent variable and the model is fitted only on the completed cases. I want to estimate the predicted values for the rest of the data (those cases with missing dep. variable) I extracted a subset from the original file containing the variables used in the model as well as the second level indicator. I used the following command p<-predict(level2,,level=0:1) where level2 is my LME model. But, I get the following error: Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : 1 argument passed to "$" which requires 2. I tried with omitting the level specification (which is 0 by default) and I transformed the new data to be groupedData with no luck. I have tried the example from the Pinheiro,Bates book and it works - mine doesn't. Does anybody have an idea what could be wrong? Thanks for all the suggestions. Andrej _________ Andrej Kveder, M.A. researcher Institute of Medical Sciences SRS SASA; Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia phone: +386 1 47 06 440 fax: +386 1 42 61 493 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]