I tried to use for the first time the Frank Harell's sas.get function (in
Hmisc library)
and cannot manage to import my sas datas.
When I use the sas.get(library,member, ...) method, I get the following
error :> sas.get("pme","Edfv1_a")->test.import.sas
Error in sas.get("pme", "Edfv1_a") : library,
"pme", is not a Unix
In addition: Warning message: pme/formats.sc? or formats.sas7bcat not
found. Formatting ignored. in: sas.get("pme", "Edfv1_a")
'rm' n'est pas
reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme ex?cutable ou un fichier de commandes.
Is it supposed to work only on a Unix machine ?
So, let's try the second approach : running the sas_get macro and then
the 4 files with sas.get(sasout...
> mydata
Error in sas.get(sasout = c("dict", "data",
"formats", "specmiss"), id =
"ident") : unused argument(s) (sasout ...)
And effetively, there seems to be no 'sasout' argument in the function
"function (library, member, variables = character(0), ifs = character(0),
format.library = library, id, dates. = c("sas", "yymmdd",
"yearfrac2"), keep.log = TRUE, log.file = "_temp_.log",
macro =
sas.get.macro, data.frame.out = existsFunction("data.frame"), clean.up
TRUE, quiet = FALSE, temp = tempfile("SaS"), formats = TRUE, recode =
formats, special.miss = FALSE, sasprog = "sas", as.is = 0.5,
check.unique.id = TRUE, force.single = FALSE, where, uncompress = FALSE) "
Am I missing something ?
Using :
Package: Hmisc
Version: 2.0-0
Date: 2003-07-10
Title: Harrell Miscellaneous
> version
_ platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32
status major 1 minor 7.1
year 2003 month 06 day 16
language R