Bioinformatics Specialist(Full-Time) Biostatistician To work closely with Ph.D. level biologists in the area of quantitative genetics, including array analysis and software development. Strength in computer programming is required. Experience with R/bioconductor, perl, and C. Must be able to execute statistical methods including linear and nonlinear models, Hidden Markov Models, and Bayesian methods. Familiarity with multiple testing, permutation, cross-validation, cluster analysis is needed. Be able to perform simulations and test experimental design strategies. Array data includes standard and custom Affymetrix designs. Extensive opportunity to publish. M.S. or Ph.D. plus at least two years experience in statistical analysis and programming required. Position available beginning September 1, 2003. Please send your CV and salary history to biostat at -- ******************************************************* Joanne Chory Howard Hughes Medical Institute Plant Biology Laboratory The Salk Institute 10010 N. Torrey Pines Rd. La Jolla, CA 92037 tel: 858-552-1148 fax: 858-558-6379 chory at