I've never used KernSur, but the documentation says it, "returns two
vectors and a matrix:
xvals vector of ordinates at which the density
has been estimated in the x dimension
yvals vector of ordinates at which the density
has been estimated in the y dimension
zden matrix of density for f(x,y) with
dimensions xgridsize, ygridsize"
If we can ignore the probability outside the plot is negligible, then
the following should produce what you want:
zd <- rev(sort(op$zden))
Surv.zd <- cumsum(zd)
Surv.zd <- (Surv.zd/Surv.zd[lenght(zd)])
plot(zd, Surv.zd)
Now pick the probability levels you want from Surv.zd and translate them
into levels for zd and use those numbers for the "levels" argument in
call to
countour(op$xvals, op$yvals, op$zden, levels = ... )
hope this helps.
spencer graves
liping wrote:
> Dear Spencer Graves:
> thank you for your help and actually I did something but I
do not know if what I did is fine. I know op$zden is the
estimated density so I first sort op$zden( I doubt this
step but if i did not sort op$zden, the following step will
go wrong) and then I will sum op$zden to reach the limit i
set up(.68,0.84,.97... ) and output the last value from
op$zden, take it as the contour curve level. thanks again
for your response.
> regards,
> liping
> xval<-op$xvals
> yval<-op$yvals
> z.den<-sort(op$zden)
> z.distr<-0
> prob<-c(0.68, 0.84, 0.97, 0.99)
> for ( j in 1:4) {
> for (i in 1:length(op$zden)){
> z.distr<-z.den[i]+z.distr
> if (z.distr>prob[j]) {
> print(c)
> break
> }
> }
> label<-c("within 68%", "within 84%", "within
97%", "within 99%")
> contour(op$xvals, op$yvals, op$zden,
> levels=z.den[i],col=j+5,labels=label[j],add=TRUE)
> }
> legend(2,6,legend=c("WITHIN 68%", "WITHIN
84%","WITHIN 97%", "WITHIN
> lty=c(1,2,3,4),col=c(6,7,8,9))
Did you look at "?contour"? The "contour" command has a
argument. To translate op into percentage, you could produce an
empirical CDF of op$zden.
hope this helps. spencer graves
liping wrote:
> Dear R users:
> I have a dataset with two variables (>20000 observations, two samples
from same subject) and I used "kernSur" from library(Genkern) to
> get a estimated bivariate density and corresponding plots as follows:
> new.data.normal<-data.normal[!is.na(data.normal[,2]),]
> x<-new.data.normal[,2]
> y<-new.data.normal[,3]
> op <- KernSur(x,y, xgridsize=50, ygridsize=50, correlation=0.4968023,
> xbandwidth=1, ybandwidth=1)
> #3D density plot
> persp(op$xvals, op$yvals, op$zden,
> theta=30,phi=10,expand=0.5,ltheta=120,
> , main="3D DENSITY PLOT-TECH3661 ", sub=" TECH3661.A
> box = T, axes = TRUE,ticktype = "detailed", )
> #countour plot
> image(op$xvals, op$yvals, op$zden, col=terrain.colors(100),
> points(x,y,pch="*")
> Now after above step, how can I use 'contour' or other commands to
draw ellipse curves over above plots indicating "including about 68%
data", "including about 84% data", etc. similar to the
(-2*std,2*std),(-3*std, 3*std) intervals for univariate variable.
> any suggestin will be appreciated.
> liping
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