Dear all, I am plotting date on x axis and by doing following mydata$idate <- strptime(x=as.character(mydata$date), format = "%m-%d-%Y") mydata$ldate <- as.POSIXlt(mydata$idate) dts <- seq.dates("01/01/2000", "12/31/2000", by="day") dts1<-as.POSIXlt(dts1) plot(mydata$ldate,mydata$Number ,type="b",xlim=c(min(dts1),max(dts1))) but it is not working.It is giving error. So if anybody know how to solve this then pl. let me know. Actually data is only for 5-6 months but i want whole year along x axis so that easy to compare with other years's data (where we have complete data). This is to set xlim as whole year. THanking you. best regards, N. Dey