Hi, Fanny:
If someone selects "reply to all", you get one copy directly and a
second via "r-help at ...". Some people write to "r-help at
..." without
subscribing. If the addressee list were edited to reply only to
"r-help at ...", then the original questioner would not see the reply.
Best Wishes,
Spencer Graves
Fanny AZIZA wrote:> Hello,
> Instead of receiving only one message when somebody send a question or a
> answer,
> I receive 2 messages with exactly the same contents inside.
> Is it the same for you?
> Thank you,
> Fanny
> --------------------------
> Fanny AZIZA
> ?cole Nationale V?t?rinaire d'Alfort
> Mail: faziza at vet-alfort.fr
> T?l. 01 43 96 70 33
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