"CALL FOR PAPERS" THE ISLAMIC SOCIETY IN SOUTH EAST ASIA CONFERENCE ON STATISTICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES BANDUNG, 25 - 26 APRIL 2003 Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Islam Bandung Jalan Tamansari No. 1, Bandung 40116 Telepon +62 22 4203368 Ext. 136 or 135 Facsimile +62 22 4263895 E-mail: - fmipa_unisba at yahoo.com - wanda at dns.math.itb.ac.id INTRODUCTION The Islamic Society in South East Asia Conference on Statistical and Mathematical Sciences will hold at Universitas Islam Bandung on April 25-26, 2003 with the following main objectives : * bring together research workers and practitioners in statistical and mathematical sciences from all over the South East Asia Countries in particular from Islamic Countries or countries with muslim majority through mutual exchange program. * organize and strengthen a statistical and mathematical information system. * promote the application of statistical and mathematical sciences including computer and information technology in the development of Islamic Countries. * probe the establishment of Muslim Association of Statistical and Mathematical Sciences in South East Asia. * hold seminars and any other means of communication helpful in exchanging scientific ideas. TENTATIVE PROGRAM April 25, 2003 - Registration - Opening Ceremony - Keynote Speaker Prof. Dr. Maman A. Djauhari (Data Analysis Research Group - Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia) - Invited Papers Prof. Dr. Kamel Ariffin Mohd. Atan J.S.M (Director of Institute for Mathematical Research - Universiti Putera Malaysia, Malaysia) - Contributed Papers - Meeting on the establishment of Muslim Association of Statistical and Mathematical Sciences in South East Asia. April 26, 2003 - Invited Papers Prof. Dr. Ismail Mohammad (Head of Department of Mathematics - Kolej Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia) Dr. Aunuddin (Director of Research Institute - Insitut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia) Suwanda, MSc. (Department of Statistics - Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia) - Contributed Papers - Studium Generale - Closing Ceremony Participation Conference is open to all nationalities. Participants from all scientific disciplines are expected. REGISTRATION The registration fees are as follows: - Foreign delegates/participants : US$ 100.00 - Participants authors of contributed papers from Indonesia : Rp 250,000.00 - Students from Indonesia : Rp 200,000.00 Please send the conference fee to : Abdul Kudus No. 236.001322641.901 Bank BNI Cabang ITB Bandung, Indonesia or pay on cash at registration time (April 25, 2003). Registration fee includes : - 1 lunches, 2 times tea/coffee and snack per day. - Conference kit. - Certificate - Proceeding (will be sent to all participant, contributed paper, later) ACCOMODATION If required by participants, Conference Committee may assist to get accommodation at hotel in Bandung. List of hotels see file attachment. TRANSPORTATION From International Airport Soekarno Hatta Jakarta to Train Station GAMBIR by bus DAMRI about 30 minutes and to Bandung by train about 3 hours. Taxi/transport will be available at the Conference Venue. INSTRUCTION TO AUTHORS Contributed papers related to any theory and applied work in the areas of Statistical and Mathematical Sciences. Participants wishing to contribute a paper are requested to follow the instructions as given below : * The manuscript must be typed in MS Word format using template ARTICLE.DOT (see File Attachment) or LaTeX in single spacing with 10 Times New Roman font, 3 cm top margin, 2.5 cm bottom margin, 3.5 cm left margin and 2 cm right margin. Abstract and complete paper not more than 6 pages. * All contributions should be written in English or Bahasa Indonesia or Melayu and contain an abstract of approximately 200 words plus a list of key words. * Paragraphs should be indented five spaces. * The name and full postal address of each author should be given immediately below the title of the paper along with e-mail. * Tables should be inserted in the text as close to the point of reference as possible. * Graphs and other numbered figures should be drawn in black India ink. * The numbers identifying displayed mathematical expressions should be placed in parentheses at the right margin. * References should be indicated in the text by author's name(s) and the year of publication in parentheses. All references should also be given alphabetically at the end of the paper in the same way as the following examples : Rao, C. R., 1972, Linear statistical inference and its applications, Wiley, New York. Heckman, J.J. and B.E. Honor?, 1989, The identifiability of the competing risk model, Biometrika, 76, 325-330. * Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Please submit complete paper to Conference Secretariat before 20 April, 2003. If you send it by e-mail (file attachment), we sugest that it should be compressed (ZIP file). Please fill out the following Information Form and return it to Conference Secretariat as soon as possible. We would appreciate your assistance in promoting this Conference to those potential participants from your institution. INFORMATION FORM Please print or type [ ] Prof. [ ] Dr. [ ] Mr. [ ] Ms. First (Given) Name: ...................................... Last (Family) Name: ..................................... Name of Organization: .................................. Mailing Address: ............................................ ....................................................................... ........................................................................ Tel: ................................................................ Fax: ............................................................... Email Address: .............................................. Tittle of paper : ................................................. I intend to attend the Conference on Statistical and Mathematical Sciences of Islamic Society in South East Asia ==========================================================================================Malas antri buat mendapatkan print-out tagihan telepon ? Klik aja billinfo2.plasa.com Gratis Perpanjangan dan Pendaftaran Nama Domain idc.plasa.com khusus di bulan Maret !